Work at Proud

Proud is a supportive place where we’re all partners and not competitors. You get:

Need more leads?

Supercharge your pipeline with our incredibly-easy, effective Marketing Program. You get:

  • Social media room — our social media studio has everything you need to create great video content, including wireless microphones, green screen, and lighting

  • Social media posts highlighting neighborhood news, cute listings, and more (we tag you and you share the posts)

  • E-newsletters detailing market stats, local events, and more (you upload your contacts and we do the rest)

  • Client gifts designed and made available at cost throughout the year, including a clever tag and a spot for the broker’s business card; a popular example is a 2-pack of delicious Missionary Truffles

  • Street fairs are a proven way to get great leads; we cover street fair entry fees and provide a great setup, making it a plug-and-play opportunity to meet people

  • Office parties and events, such as a pre-Thanksgiving Pie Party, first-time home buying and selling classes, and more

What about other marketing support?

If you’re tired of spending your time writing listing descriptions and making flyers and postcards, we’ll do it for you!

We have a variety of packages of listing support, where we produce marketing pieces for you, freeing you up to take care of your clients and run your business.